
Plasan's multi functional armour at DSEI 2017

As an armour and survivability company, Plasan can now offer platform SA enhancement using only the armour panel as the carrier.

Modern operational requirements stemming from 21st century asymmetric warfare dictate that individual platforms must gather and share as much information as possible to build and enhance mutual SA.

Equipping a platform with Plasan’s MFA offers a passive hit detection capability along with other unique features embedded in the armored panels that would provide situational awareness, allowing the crew to effectively manage the situation, and enabling clear-cut information to be passed to the right people at the right time.

Main features include:

  • Hit detection on the platform in real time
  • Health monitoring of the armour panels
  • Identify the area of threat
  • Real-time proximity alerts
  • Integration to any battle management system (BMS)
  • (N GVA compliant)
  • Rollover and impact analysis
  • Fit for any protection level needed
  • Built-in training mode

For more details please visit us at: DSEI 2017, Stand S7 340. You can see the MFA integrated into Lockheed Martin demonstration turret at Stand S8 210.

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