Defense in its simplest form means to protect something from attack. A country’s military forces are the first line of defense against external threats and internal unrest. Because of this, military forces in developing countries have been becoming increasingly important in facilitating government foreign policy by participating in peacekeeping operations, military exercises, and humanitarian relief missions.
Mobility: Important Defensive Force Factor
In military terms, mobility refers to the capability of a weapon system, combat unit, or armed force to move toward a military objective. Defense forces with higher mobility are able to move more quickly and across more hostile terrain than forces with lower mobility. The mission of the defensive forces is to determine war principles and ensure the nation’s security. The military’s mobility on the battlefield greatly improved after World War II. Various mechanized vehicles, including tanks and tracked vehicles, were developed to allow defensive forces to move across battlefronts even under fire.
What is the best option for mobility, wheels, or tracks?
The vehicles used by armed forces worldwide can be categorized into two basic categories: wheeled and tracked. Wheeled platforms provide significantly greater on-road mobility than tracked platforms and are generally lighter. Despite their limited mobility in rough terrains, wheeled platforms offer lower acquisition, maintenance, and operating costs as well as more excellent serviceability and reliability. Conversely, tracked platforms typically have improved soft ground mobility, carry more of a payload, and fire more powerfully. Due to rapid urbanization, today’s operations are increasingly conducted on more minor rugged terrains, so consideration of soft ground mobility becomes less critical. So wheeled platforms have become important for mobility in defensive forces.
Protect Tires Protect Mobility: Run-Flat Technology
Tires connect the vehicles to the road, so protecting tires means protecting mobility. One of the essential threats to wheeled vehicles’ mobility is their high sensitivity to tire damage. When running on a mine or an improvised charge, tires can be damaged due to vehicle-targeting fire. Thanks to run-flat technology, the vehicle can usually travel far enough to get out of danger. Run-flat systems are tire inserts attached to the wheels, allowing the driver to control the vehicle following ballistic or terrain-related tire damage. A Run Flat system was developed primarily for the military market, but it is also used in other market segments. If the system damage and tires need to be changed, the Run Flat Changer Machine manufactured by GM Defensive decreases the run-flat maintenance process.