
CAKA Remote Controlled Turret (RCT) system is designed by FNSS, within the scope of Turkish Navy’s Marine Armoured Amphibious Vehicle Program that was signed between the Turkish Presidency for Defence Industries (SSB) and FNSS on March 7, 2017. The turret will be exhibited on the Marine Assault Vehicle (MAV) during IDEF 2021.

CAKA is developed to be the fire power of MAV, with its ability to carry a maximum load of ready-to-fire rounds and its also ballistic protected. CAKA RCT, which stands out with its corrosion resistance and sealing at the highest level, can be used safely in all weather and sea conditions.

Compared to similar manned turrets in service with US Marine Corps’ Amphibious Vehicles, FNSS CAKA RWS offers grater advantages with its; light weight, better protection for the gunner, target acquisition, reliability, accuracy and occupies less internal volume inside the vehicle.

CAKA RWS is power operated and armed with 12.7mm MG (50 Cal) & 40mm AGL (Automatic Grenade Launcher). The remote turret can be easily integrated to various manned and unmanned ground vehicles as well as naval surface vessels.