
Rajant BreadCrumb® networks are easy to deploy and require minimal maintenance and administration. Because users of highly-mobile networks typically do not have the time and resources to set up and repeatedly reconfigure settings, Rajant offers ‘one button operation’.

Rajant technical teams are available for any additional support needs, and to ensure smooth ongoing operations. Users also have the option to exercise more administrative control over a Rajant network if desired.

BreadCrumb® networks include BC|Commander® software for ongoing operational management. Intuitively designed, BC|Commander® offers standard network control options, as well as many advanced features through a GUI interface, including:

  • Topology views graphically depicting BreadCrumb® devices, wireless clients and the connections among them
  • A real-time map view of the network, with locations reported by GPS-enabled BreadCrumb® nodes
  • Peer link information, including wireless data rate, SNR, cost and link distance (for GPS-enabled BreadCrumb® nodes)
  • Mesh encryption and authentication settings, including AES-256, AES-192 and AES-128 in both Cipher Feedback Mode and Galois Counter Mode
  • Bulk BreadCrumb® configuration capabilities
  • The ability to configure up to four virtual Access Points per radio, including security settings up to WPA2 Enterprise
  • Wireless client access control lists
  • InstaMesh and TRoIP configuration options
  • Capabilities for remote firmware updates
  • Options for VLAN configuration, including named VLANs
  • A completely customizable user interface allowing for task-oriented screen layouts

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