
IXTROM has launched IXVMS (Visualisation, Modelling and Simulation Collective
Training Management and Awareness System), a game-changing, next-generation training and simulation solution that prepares soldiers for the challenges of modern warfare.

IXVMS is the first of an entirely new, next-generation software designed to modernise the training capabilities of military forces while enabling interoperability with multiple participants across multiple domains. It allows users to securely keep their rights, roles and authorities real-time.

The solution is a web-based Collaborative Training and Exercise Platform providing an innovative organisational approach to support planners in the design and execution of modeling and simulations. IXVMS provides an intuitive and quick-flowing approach to operational information management and the development of exercise planning and execution in order to develop concepts and training objectives.

Objectives are then prioritised with explicit resourcing conditions while participants are given rights and restrictions according to their role and responsibility within the exercise organisational structure. The solution enables various groups and organisations from multiple domains, including land, maritime, air, cyber, civilian organisations and others, to interoperate and work together, helping to maximise the likelihood of mission success.

IXTROM Group president Soldad R Borque said: “The next-generation IXTROM’s IXVMS has the interoperability necessary for today’s joint and allied forces tactics and military exercises. This state-of-the-art software solution will help better prepare our soldier to safeguard and strengthen our citizen’s safety and protect the critical infrastructure. IXVMS provides the innovating tools to train, rehearse and improve time to react to threats obtaining mission success.”

IXVMS is a multifunctional and streamline solution easy and intuitively adaptable to all type of exercises, to create, modify and execute different scenarios from any perspective. Military leaders can analyse every aspect of each scenario in real-time to effectively achieve exercise objectives. The training elements can be changed, and new ones added ‘on the fly’ as the simulation unfolds, improves tactical and strategic proficiency and real-time decision-making.

IXVMS is a rapidly deployable system, mobile, and is interoperable with all other agencies and elements, including the vast array of Command, Control, Battle Management, and Communications systems. The unique capabilities that IXTROM provides make an important addition to the next-generation defense and security architectures around the world.

Soledad continued: “We recognise the importance of modernising the worldwide command and control systems to ensure total soldier capabilities and resiliency. Developing the latest technology to support the worldwide safety and security, fostering the next generation of talent, creating sustainable jobs for a brighter future, and growing the economy are our top priorities.”

IXTROM continues to develop some of the most advanced technologies in the industry in Canada, while consistently contributing to the country’s economy and local community.