
INTRACOM Defense Electronics (IDE) participated in the international exhibition DSEi 2017, one of the largest defence and security exhibitions that took place in London from 12-15 September.

IDE’s exhibition stand was visited by the Minister of National Defense, Mr. Panos Kammenos, the Deputy Minister of National Defense, Mr. Dimitris Vitsas, and the General Director of GDDIA, Mr. Kyriakos Kyriakidis. Government representatives and military delegations from various countries, as well as defence industry executives, also visited IDE’s stand and had the opportunity to be informed about IDE’s innovative products in the field of network-centric electronic defence systems.

In this exhibition, IDE introduced its new innovative hybrid system GENAIRCON, an integrated hybrid auxiliary electrical power and environmental control system currently integrated into M109 howitzers as a capability upgrade subsystem. Among various benefits, the GENAIRCON provides the embedded functionality of ‘True Silent Watch’, considered to be of significant value to forward operating platforms, where the control of thermal and noise trace is of primary importance.