
INTRACOM Defense Electronics (IDE), Greece’s leading defence and security electronic systems manufacturer, extends its cooperation with German company Diehl Defence by signing a five-year frame contract of €10m for the series production of crucial electronic missile components of the Ground-Based Air Defence System IRIS-T SLM (surface-launched medium range).

These missile components have been developed by IDE and were tested with absolute
success during extensive trials in the certification phase of the system. IDE was selected by Diehl Defence, one of the leading defence companies worldwide, after an international bid for the most suitable available technology. This selection establishes IDE as a reliable partner of Diehl Defence and confirms the excellent cooperation of the two companies during the last 20 years.

“This new success confirms not only IDE’s competitiveness, but also our company’s
advanced technological level in cutting-edge technologies, acknowledged in practice
by our international customers,” stated Mr. George Troullinos, CEO of IDE.