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Tactical Communications, Data Links and Telemetries, Information Security, Integrated Solutions, Hybrid Power Systems and Security Solutions

INTRACOM Defense Electronics (IDE) is the leading defence telecommunications and electronics systems provider in Greece, which specialises in the design, development and manufacturing of products that incorporate modern technologies in a wide range of applications.


21 km Markopoulou Ave.,
19441 Koropi,
Fax Number

INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) is the leading defense company in Greece with significant international activity. IDE designs, develops and manufactures products and systems that incorporate advanced in-house developed technologies in the areas of Missile Electronics, Tactical Communication and Information Systems, Border and Area Security solutions, Hybrid Electric Power Systems and Unmanned Surface and Air platforms.

IDE is a registered NATO supplier and participates in international development and production programs, as well as in international collaborations for the production and export of defense equipment. The company’s products and services are deployed in Cyprus, Czechia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Lithuania, Spain, Sweden, the UK and U.S.

Tactical Communications

IDE’s tactical-wideband communications products cover the specific needs of the defence sector, and are already successfully operating in various land platforms in short, medium and long-range, fixed or mobile applications.

SPARTAN - secure wideband radio for tactical IP networks
WISPR - vehicular intercom and secure packet radio system
TACTICON - tactical IP communication network
VSAT CRONOS - satellite communications terminal
Remote control system for tactical radios
ComBAT robust portable PC
missile telemetry system
SECLINE cryptography
Hybrid power systems

IDE’s tactical communication systems are based on extensive and proven expertise in voice-data-video transmission, advanced radio and custom waveform design, as well as communication and transmission security.

The company’s tactical communications solution portfolio includes:

  • Spartan: software defined IP broadband radio for secure information transfer at the tactical level
  • WIWAN: an advanced IP-based tactical communications network for secure, multimedia information transfer, interconnecting deployed forces at all levels of command in the contemporary theatre of operations
  • WISPR: a state-of-the-art, full programmable digital communication system that incorporates a new philosophy in vehicle and inter-vehicle communications
  • Tacticon: a tactical IP communication system that provides real-time single and multi-party voice communication and data exchange services among dispersed Communication Nodes, Command Post, Field Headquarters, Tactical Operation Centres, adjacent Battalions and supported units
  • Nauticon: a flexible digital communication system that integrates the internal and external communication equipment of any modern naval platform. It can be configured for distributed switch architecture for survivability as well as for physical separation of red and black information processing

Data Links and Telemetries

IDE has significant experience in the design, development, qualification, and production of missile data link and telemetry systems used either in surface-to-air (ESSM), air-to-air (IRIS-T) or ground-to-air missiles (IRIS-T SL).

IDE’s innovative data link designs are based on field-proven knowledge and expertise in designing and incorporating high-tech waveforms and protocols, in addition to the extended embedded software control capability.

Information Security

IDE’s encryption products feature the highest level of technological advancements. The SECLINE series covers a wide range of applications, including data, fax and voice, (SECLINE a-PLUS), bulk encryption (SECLINE MBit) and IP networks (SECLINE IP).

The SECLINE series of encryption devices is designed to use specialised cryptographic algorithms, fully developed by IDE and certified by the national security authorities. Relevant research and development activities take place in state-of-the-art laboratories, exclusively dedicated for this purpose (for example, TEMPEST laboratory).

Integrated Solutions

IDE has experience in systems integration for land and naval applications and can modernise platforms for land and naval systems.

Integrated solutions offered by IDE include:

  • VSAT CRONOS: a secure, autonomous transportable VSAT (very small aperture terminal) system supporting communications for mobile units, headquarters, peacekeeping missions as well as other special contingencies
  • WiTAC3S-L (wireless integrated tactical C3 system, land): a military-off-the-shelf (MOTS) integrated tactical communication suite suitable for upgrade or mid-life modernisation of existing customer vehicles
  • WiTAC3S-N (wireless integrated tactical C3 system, naval): a military-off-the-shelf (MOTS) integrated tactical communication suite suitable for upgrade or mid-life modernisation of existing customer vessels
  • iDEFENDER: An integrated solution for optimised surveillance and critical infrastructure protection addressing the management and mitigation of physical security threats

Hybrid Electric Power Systems (HEPS)

IDE offers a series of electric power conversion, storage, management and cost saving products to supply environmentally safer energy.

Thorough research and consistent evaluation of critical technological and economical parameters has led to the development of the HPS family, which lead to an early return of investment related to conventional off-grid systems.

A growing range of products is complemented by custom-made solutions for any demanding requirements.

Security Solutions

IDE continuously monitors the emerging and evolving security threats and vulnerabilities in the fields of critical infrastructure and border surveillance and provides state-of-the-art technology development and integrated solutions for public safety and disaster relief agencies.

One of IDE’s core competencies is the multi-sensor, multiplatform, multi-system integration for security specific applications and technologies.

Moreover, IDE specialises in:

  • Comprehensive command and control
  • Common information picture composition for tactical, operational and strategic levels of command
  • Information exploitation and dissemination
  • Mission planning
  • Multi-sensor information fusion
  • Threat assessment
  • Physical security information management (PSIM) integration
  • Training and simulation


IDE provides services dedicated to calibration, design and engineering development, power amplifier design, manufacturing, software engineering, test systems engineering, verification / qualification, after-sales support, knowledge transfer and training.

Combining experienced personnel, specific industry knowledge and the latest technology achievements, IDE ensures high-reliability and quality services that meet and exceed customer requirements.

Industrial Co-operations

IDE has a long and successful history in industrial cooperation programmes for the international defense sector marketplace. The company has supplied advanced equipment, provided professional services or delivered complex turnkey projects to defense industry groups, organisations and national armed forces.

The company’s experience and know-how in defense applications are enhanced through its involvement in new programmes and have established IDE as a key company in the domestic and international defense systems development and production market.

The company is currently successfully involved in the manufacturing of numerous major defense systems and products, in cooperation with defense industry leaders such as BAE Systems, Boeing, Diehl BGT Defence, General Dynamics, Kraus-Maffei Wegmann (KMW), Northrop Grumman, Ramsys, Raytheon, Rheinmetall, Saab and Thales.

Press Releases

21 km Markopoulou Ave.
19441 Koropi

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