
In order to afford soldiers better future protection against extreme stress, ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH has successfully developed and tested a training platform for psychosocial support. ESG has produced a prototype on behalf of the Psychological Office of the Bundeswehr and in close co-operation with the Bundeswehr’s Centre for Weapons Disposal. CHARLY assists in the primary prevention of possible psychological trauma and helps to avoid or mitigates post-traumatic stress disorders.

ESG has now been commissioned to – by the end of 2010 – further develop the prototype and bring it to serial production, adapt it to the new target group Medical Services Rapid Deployment Forces (Schnelle Einsatzkräfte Sanitätsdienst SES), execute practical tests and evaluation, and prepare a concept for the adaptation to other target groups.

The ESG method of pre-deployment training with CHARLY is currently a unique approach to emergency psychosocial care and the primary prevention of PTSD. With the help of the training platform, the participants will be able to identify the causes and symptoms of acute stress disorder. In addition, coping mechanisms are taught and trained. The course contents are thereby specifically tailored to the respective target group.

CHARLY uses the “blended learning” approach. This is an integrated training concept which uses a combination of modern Internet- or intranet-based networking possibilities and “classical” training methods and media to provide the optimum appropriate training structure. This achieves maximum and long-lasting training success.

CHARLY is also useful for police forces, fire services and technical relief agencies – especially considering the increasing numbers of these forces deployed on missions abroad.

For over forty years, ESG has been one of Germany`s leading companies for the development, integration and operation of electronic and IT systems. With more than 1400 employees globally, we provide logistics, system development, training and consultancy services for military, government and industry customers. Independent process and technology consultancy is one of ESG`s key areas of expertise. Technology transfer between markets is the basis for a decisive contribution to the added value of our customers.