
AT Electronic and Communication International, announces the availability of the portable data terminal (PDT), portable tactical printer (PTP) and the combat workstation computer.

The PDT is a messaging terminal that provides error free transmission of text based messages using HF/VHF/UHF radios or by or via field cable or phone network. The PDT is suited to tactical applications where secure text messaging is required in an easy to use point to point format. The PDT has a fully integrated software and radio modem and does not require a PC or modem with complex wiring and software. The PDT can be upgraded with a GPS receiver to send and receive GPS position. The PDT is enclosed in a rugged, waterproof cast aluminium case designed to withstand harsh environments. The PDT can be complemented with a PTP for delivery of hard copy messages.

The combat workstation computer (CWC) is more than just a rugged computer. It includes computer, messaging software, mapping application, internal modem to provide a comprehensive solution to situational awareness and messaging using tactical radios. The equipment is rugged, lightweight and is intuitive to use because of the Microsoft Windows operating system. The inbuilt cryptographic capability of the CWC allows any audio transmission facility to act as a secure path for data communication. The transmission path does not need to be equipped with a cryptographic system. The CWC is fully compatible with the PDT and if enabled with GPS provides graphical representation of location of PDT’s.