
We are very proud to announce that Lutra Associates ( has helped PPD ( secure our first UK commercial order for lightweight ammunition cases (LWACs).

This follows a long period of thorough testing and trials which LWAC recently completed against both UN and NATO STANAG requirements. In this case PPD’s client’s customer was influenced by the much reduced transport, storage and handling costs LWACs offer, making a big impact on the thorough and whole life costs of the ammunition compared to using other types of cases.

Typically transport weights alone of ammunition in LWACs are reduced by 10% with commensurate collateral savings in vehicles, transport costs (including the number of vehicles, drivers and support infrastructure required). Storage costs are also reduced due to reduced facilities being required. Other benefits such as colour coding of different natures, ease of tracking by RFID tags (if required) and ease and location of manufacture, all play a part in getting the whole life costs of ammunition down. In today’s world of difficult defence economics these are proving to be promising reasons for selecting PPD’s LWACs.