
Milfoam International, the leading company in niche design and manufacture for gun barrel maintenance present their latest in cleaning solutions catering to everything from small to large calibre weapons. A patented conception, Milfoam International will be displaying this innovative and cost-effective solution at:

Eurosatory 2008 from 16th –20th June

Stand O075g in the UK Pavilion

Milfoam International has packaged together the complete solution, where equipment can be used in hard field conditions and also at depot level. Products on display include:

The Heavy Barrel Cleaning System, designed to give an excellent cleaning result. It has been adopted by many weapon manufactures, such as BAE Systems, for cleaning new gun barrels after proofing tests. Milfoam’s state of the art cleaning results can be achieved at unit level providing more operational time in the field.

The Vibrating Pneumatic Brush series, designed for daily barrel cleaning at field level. Using the Vibrating pneumatic brush reduces cleaning manpower by 75% and requires only one person to handle the operation on the field.

The Milfoam Forrest Foam has been designed to provide efficient cleaning solutions for sniper rifles without harming the accuracy. It has a NATO stock number and is already in use by many armies including the UK, the Netherlands, Finland, etc.

During the last 5 years, customers of Milfoam have found the patented foam cleaning technology and automated equipments to be both time and manpower efficient, providing excellent cleaning results.

According to the Dahlgren Division of the US NAVY, Approximately six systems were evaluated. In using Milfoam’s foaming chemical agent, we have seen no degradation or detrimental effects and are extremely satisfied with the product and system that Milfoam has provided.

Since 2006, the Canadian artillery has been using Milfoam Foam Cleaning technology in Afghanistan to keep their guns operational for longer periods.

In 2007, the U.S Army Yuma Proving Ground selected and commended Milfoam’s large calibre cleaning package for 105-155mm barrels. This Cleaning package has reduced the initial required manpower by nearly 75%.

The Finnish Defence Forces have been using Milfoam cleaning equipment since 2005 and have found the 155mm artillery guns to be in much better condition.

Milfoam International Ltd will be available to discuss your bespoke requirements in modern cleaning packages to support your troops and fulfil the main tasks of barrel cleaning achieving the best cleaning results today.