

The inauguration ceremony of the new EXPAL demilitarisation plant in Belarus.

On 27 May 2014 the inaugural ceremony took place at the plant EXPAL installed in Belarus for the destruction of PFM-1 mines in the country.

The Defence Deputy Minister of Belarus acted as chairman to the ceremony, which was also attended by high representatives of the European Union, an ample representation of ambassadors to Belarus, Military authorities and EXPAL representatives.
The Project is the consequence of an international tender launched by the European Union that EXPAL was awarded, and it contemplates the destruction of 3.400.000 mines.

The plant has been specially designed and built by EXPAL to carry out the scope of the project. Safety and complying with European Environmental standards have been fundamental parameters in the development and building of the facilities and the design of its processes, thought specifically for the destruction of this type of ammunition. These are the first facilities capable of taking on this task that has never before been performed.

The EC’s support for the destruction of Belarus stockpiles of PFM-1 landmines is linked with the Government of Belarus`s ratification of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their destruction.