
At DSEI, EXPAL will present the new version of its EIMOS 81 system with a series of improvements in different areas. The event will take place on 15 September in London.

The system includes a new platform integrated in a URO VAMTAC with four crew cabin seats, sensor integration and a meteorological station for improved ballistic calculations.

It will also have a new version of the indirect fire support information system of EXPAL: TECHFIRE with more functionalities and a simplified, intuitive interface.

EIMOS has the same benefits from its previous design that make it unique in this type of arms systems.

Its soft recoil system, with no need for additional stabilisation support, the automatic aiming system and its firepower capabilities of 360º are advantages the market and user have recognised.

EXPAL’s booth at DSEI will also include its artillery extended range ammunition family of 105mm y 155mm, c/IED solutions and its capacity in motor grains for rockets and missiles.