Edge Group’s entity HALCON has been awarded multiple contracts to deliver different precision-guided munitions (PGMs) for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Armed Forces.

One of the contracts, worth $582.5m (AED2.14bn), will require HALCON to provide Thunder P3 light PGMs, designed specifically for the MK series of general-purpose aerial munitions.

The company will equip Thunder with a semi-active laser (SAL) seeker, which will provide the forces with enhanced accuracy and range against various threats.

HALCON has received another $1.27bn (AED4.7bn) contract to provide Desert Sting 25 (DS-25) air-to-surface precision-guided glide munitions for the UAE forces.

DS-25 is a lightweight munition, which can be deployed on multiple racks of aircraft and uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Advanced Concepts, a new business unit within EDGE, senior vice-president Saeed Al Mansoori said: “This contract will provide the UAE Armed Forces with flexibility in their air strike operations.”

HALCON will also supply Hunter 2-S (swarming), 5 and 10 loitering munitions for the UAE Armed Forces as part of a $299.42m (AED1.1bn) contract.

The Hunter family of munitions can be used for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, and air-strike operations.

Apart from the three contracts, Edge Group’s company ADASI has received $362m (AED1.33bn) for delivering Shadow 25 and 50 for the UAE forces.

The contract was signed during the ongoing International Defence Exhibition and Conference 2023 in Abu Dhabi on 21 February.

During the same event, Edge Group and BAE Systems signed a memorandum of understanding to explore different opportunities for enhancing capabilities and technologies in the UAE.

The two firms will contribute their expertise in cyber, maritime, air, and defence technologies to strengthen the UAE’s future defence and security domain.

Edge Group’s business CARACAL and India’s ICOMM have finalised a partnership licensing agreement for the development of a portfolio of indigenously manufactured small arms for the Indian market.