The Indian Army and the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) have conducted a series of flight tests of an upgraded version of the Pinaka rocket system.

The programme involved testing the Pinaka Mk-I (Enhanced) Rocket System (EPRS), and the Pinaka Area Denial Munition (ADM) rocket systems.

A total of 24 EPRS rockets were fired for different ranges over 14 days at the Pokhran Firing Ranges.

According to an Indian Ministry of Defence statement, the rockets met all trial objectives satisfactorily.

The statement added: “With these trails, the initial phase of technology absorption of EPRS by the industry has successfully been completed, and the industry partners are ready for user trials/series production of the rocket system.”

DRDO’s Armament Research and Development Establishment and High Energy Materials Research Laboratory jointly developed the Pinaka rocket system, which is currently in service with the Indian Army.

The EPRS version is upgraded with advanced technologies that enhance the range of the system to meet evolving requirements.

The technology of the upgraded version was transferred to the industries Munitions India Limited (MIL), and Economic Explosives Limited Nagpur.

The rockets made by MIL were tested during the latest campaign.

During the testing, the officials also assessed the different variants of munitions and fuses of the rocket system.

The DRDO also recently flight-tested the Solid Fuel Ducted Ramjet (SFDR) booster, a missile propulsion system that will enable it to intercept aerial threats at a very long range.

Last month, the DRDO tested an army version of the Medium-Range Surface-to-Air Missile (MRSAM) system.