
ExplosionAGOGVIVID FX incorporates movie-styled special effects techniques into live training scenarios.

We design and build scalable pyrotechnic effects and products; budgeted, tailored for integration into military, law enforcement and other first responder’s training programmes. We offer solutions that are adaptable to changing tactics, techniques, and procedures to meet current thinking to threats or even the most challenging of fiscal demands.

Our aim is simply to assist in providing realistic training with the goal of delivering training environments so realistic that the experience is just like the real hazardous event.

Scalable: Ultra-Reel™ effects and a series of products from forensic evidence through to inert that extend from low-cost to high-end bespoke. Supporting training exercises and scenarios aimed at delivering realism through utilisation of close action / proximity special effects designed to simulate the modern evolving threat.

For 25 years, AGOG<i>FX</i> has built the belief that people are in harm's way by using close action effects. For those expected to know what to do when in harm's way, the company believes belief counts.
The company delivers simulation of battlefield action at real scale and intensity from bullet strikes, RPG and missile hits, IEDs, VBIEDs, wide area bombardment and air strikes.
CBRN threat, incident and response scenarios, accident environments are created with spillages, smells, fires and persistent ash, smoke, residual effects.
Atmosphere, freezing wind, sand storms, snow storms, rain, smoke, mist are elements the company controls every day, often literally, to create the fog of war.
Casualty simulation (CASSIM) using moulage is a common training technique; AGOG<i>FX</i> can realistically simulate the action of wounding too.
AGOG<i>FX</i> is practiced at creating high-energy effects work in temporarily closed public locations without blowing up the neighbours. Perfect for urban or metropolitan training.
Training is designed for destruction with non-permanent damage to buildings, vehicles and natural environments, contained and controlled to maintain safety whilst maximising reality.
Live, blank-firing and replica weapons from a complete armoury service are matched to remote and actor initiated result of firing simulations.
More workplace reality than weekend roleplay. Agog<i>FX</i> directors, advisors, specialists and artists all have full-bore professional action profiles.
Replica action props are designed to provide the same reactions and drive the same behaviours, but without the same consequences of real weapons and devices.

Representative: Controlled energetic effects simulating layers of threat and perceived stress through realism. This is achieved using gas, pyrotechnics, ultra-high pressure air and flash technologies to test training audiences to required limits whilst maintaining ultimate control and adherence to safety.

Theatres of Operations: In coordination with the customer, current threat vectors will be simulated to train the audience to consider the most recent or perceived risks. Effects are scalable in cost, context and volume.

With offices in Oxford, UK, and representatives in Amman, Jordan, AGOGVIVID FX is always striving and delivering innovative solutions and meeting ever-changing demands for military applications worldwide.


We offer battlefield effects to engender chaos, shock and disorientation, such as rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), improvised explosive devices (IEDs), suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs), suicide bomb, direct and indirect fire, effects layering to provide continuity, context and scale of battlefield experience, using pyrotechnics and or ultra-high pressure air systems.


Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threat incidents. Persistent effects and catastrophic escalating environments for training in IND, HAZMAT (contact, inhalation, injection, ingestion), accidents, fires, spillages and smoke.


Disorientating atmospherics and sensory effects to overwhelm. These include sustained stench, smoke, fire, wind, rain and concussive sound effects.


Traumatic live woundings, bullet hits, close-range shootings, entry and exit wounds, shrapnel, blast amputation, hostage torture, prosthetics, makeup and blood effects.


Urban civil and military training can use our high-energy effects techniques within any existing built environment. Our environmental special effects design is used for training that must be undertaken in heritage sites, listed buildings and public arenas.


This comprises the design and construction of realistic, repeatable, destructive damage effects within training environments and standing sets. Blast, missile and bullet damage to buildings, walls and natural cover, vehicle impacts, breakaway panels and residual fire rigs.


Opposing force arms and munitions, actor initiated body-worn explosives. Section 5 firearms, live firing, blank firing, rockets, grenades, mines, IEDs, suicide vests, air percussion mortars, and bladed weapons.


Our stunts feature choreography of all action sequences and reactive interplay. Action directors, scenario advisers, senior special effects and stunt artists are able to embed credible threats into the role-play.


Our product range includes replica action props and IEDs designed to fire, explode and engulf.

We also offer in-house build of inert and replica munitions, rigged action vehicles, actor fired suicide vests, dummies, RPG flight and missile strikes.