
Visio Ingenii (VI) produces next-generation technology in machine vision, signal processing, augmented reality, robotics and self-learning systems, and is a growing innovator of state-of-the-art visual intelligence software and hardware systems and solutions.

VIRE – recognition engine

VIRE is a robust and efficient recognition engine that can recognise a 2D or 3D object in any given scenario, including challenging cluttered environments, with 97.3% accuracy.

VIRE can ascertain the presence of a particular object from a set of multiple objects, no matter the situation. VIRE can recognise and distinguish single or multiple objects present in its camera view, from a large group of different objects with recognisable and distinguishable feature-points. It is designed to allow the end users to feed training images of the objects that are to be recognised and can be configured to automatically analyse the image to identify the target in any given scene.

Features include:

VIRE – Visio Ingenii’s recognition engine.
VIAR - Visio Ingenii’s augmented reality.
VICMS - Visio Ingenii’s crowd management system.
VIFRS - Visio Ingenii’s face recognition system.
VIBA - Visio Ingenii’s brand analytics.
  • Structured indoor clutter, distortion, scale, orientation and illumination change tolerant
  • Speed of detection after system initialisation: video rate (~25fps)
  • Accuracy achieved: 97.3%
  • Easily realisable in standalone computers, servers, mobile platforms and built-in camera hardware

VI-FRS – face recognition system

VI-FRS provides a cutting-edge solution for facial recognition requirements. VI technicians can create tailor-made facial recognition applications that suit a client’s requirements and infrastructure. The systems are available on various platforms such as desktops, mobile and web. VI can set up a platform that will cater to a client’s concerns regarding the privacy of the database. VI also gives training modules on the system so clients can rest assured their data is private and localised to their platform.


  • Quick automated training incorporated within the system with the facility to update when needed
  • Multiple image test facility
  • Next-generation interface with touch-screen friendly capability
  • Fetching details of the verified match from the server with an option to update any record
  • Capable of working along-side or in conjunction with other biometric systems
  • Can match against thousands of images from the database with a quick response time of less than 2 seconds
  • Unlimited scalability

VICMS – crowd management system

In recent years governments have spent a large proportion of money to reduce the complexity and potential threat of managing a crowd. Visio Ingenii’s crowd management system contains multiple visual sensors to identify, predict and report any antisocial behaviour that could be a potential threat.

These visual sensors are a result of extensive research to determine and help prevent threats that could lead to destruction in any form.

Features include:

  • A robust solution to all crowd management aspects with a measured accuracy of 97%
  • Real-time analysis and quick response time
  • Alerts and alarms can be configured to report back to respective authorities like fire control, police control rooms, etc.
  • Can be integrated into any existing CCTV network
  • Both manual and automated handling for setting level of acceptance

VIBA – brand analytics

Visio Ingenii’s brand analytics (VIBA) is powered by VIRE, VI’s recognition engine. VIBA can perform analysis in real-time, such as networked cameras and locally saved videos. VIBA is pre-trained to recognise brand names saved by the client in the form of logos. The system analyses the occurrence of the logo with the respective duration tagged with the frame number. This report is presented in the form of statistical analysis and a pie chart for a clear and prompt understanding for the client. This enables the client to determine their competency in any area. VIBA has been rigorously tested by VI’s team and can be integrated into any existing system.

Key features include:

  • Ability to use in real-time and saved videos
  • Ease-of-use
  • Can be implemented into any system
  • Stabilised by its tolerance to distortion, scale, orientation, illumination change and to visual cluttering, VIBA is proven to remain applicable to many situations
  • With a speed detection of ~25fps, VIBA has achieved an accuracy of 97.3%

VIAR – augmented reality technology

Augmented reality technology is all about creating composite monumental virtual experiences over normal reality. VIAR is VI’s proprietary product that enables users to see beyond the human perceptible information of an object, a scene or simply an image. The technology transforms and enhances natural visual perception by integrating the ability of natural object recognition and tracking with augmented computer generated media.

Features include:

  • Robust marker tracking
  • Realisable in multiple platforms including standalone PC, projectors, mobiles and built-in hardware black-boxes
  • Fast, reliable, flexible and cost-effective
  • Scalability
  • Multiple media augmenting capability
  • Response time less than 1.5 seconds for 500 markers
  • Recognition time less than 0.65 seconds for 500 markers, with degree of freedom for tracking up to 160°