Tritium: It’s what makes the dials on your wristwatch glow in the dark and keeps exit signs illuminated when the power goes out. But trigalight®, the world’s leading gaseous tritium light sources (GTLS) manufacturer, has an alternative use for this little-known radioactive isotope.

Providing a guaranteed 10 years of illumination, trigalight® operates without batteries , cable or external light or energy source

trigalight® inserts, GTLS housed inside a protective aluminium sleeve with a sapphire crystal lens at the front, have found a variety of uses in the defence and security industry, mainly as gun sight illuminators.

These battle-proven light sources have a wide variety of advantages over other sight illuminators, such as LED or infrared lasers. The most distinguishable feature of trigalight® products are their self-luminous qualities. What this means is that no external power supply is required to keep the GTLS glowing.

trigalight self-illuminated sights operate for a decade without the need for battery

There is no need to charge it, expose it to sun or light or press a switch to turn it on or off. When the lights are down, sights equipped with trigalight® inserts are immediately ready for use. When they’re up, the anti-reflective coating on the sapphire will serve you equally as well, allowing you to see the sight even in bright sunlight.

The company promises a maintenance-free system that will provide light without the need for an external power source or charging. After installing the trigalight® tactical insert, your needs should be covered for at least a decade. And that is guaranteed.

Tritium gas has a half-life of 12.3 years.  mb-microtec, the company behind this leading tritium light source, offers a ten-year guarantee on all of their light sources. While the chances are slim, if their products fail to live up to expectations they promise to replace the product free of charge.

Using trigalight® technology doesn’t mean swapping quality for convenience. Aside from being an unrivalled source of light, trigalight® tactical inserts are also favoured for their high-quality materials and build. Protected by an aluminium sleeve and sapphire crystal, these are guaranteed to provide aid in real-life battle situations. Each insert is tested to ensure that it can deal with extreme shock, as well as extreme weather conditions. According to mb-microtec, their inserts can withstand temperatures ranging from -70 degrees Celsius to 121 degrees Celsius.

Defence organisations already recognise the usefulness of trigalight ®sources in combat. These sight illuminators have already been purchased for use on weapons used by military forces in the United Kingdom, Switzerland and the United States of America, as well as the Singapore Police Force. If a defence organisation is using tritium illuminators on their equipment, it’s highly likely that it’s a trigalight® product.

Even leading sight and gun manufacturers have turned to trigalight® to improve their products. trigalight® has produced inserts for brands like Trijicon, Ameriglo, Meprolight, and Truglo to name a few.

Going pro: A new brighter solution

trigalight® products are already leading the field. However, innovation is at the forefront of everything that mb-microtec does. Unhappy to settle for what it has already achieved, the company has now developed a tactical insert that is better than anything that it has previously offered.

Calling on 30 years of research, development and customer feedback, the trigalight® Pro tactical insert offers the same high-quality illumination, only brighter and less reflective than anything that it has produced before.

It’s a bold claim, but one that has been confirmed by the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology, part of the Swiss government’s justice and policing department. In an independent study the organisation concluded that the pro insert was 227% more luminous than an older tactical insert models without increasing the activity of the source.

According to mb-microtec, their products now offer 100 times more illumination than most similar systems that are currently on the market.

mb-microtec: 100 years of Swiss innovation

Switzerland has been top of the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Global Innovation Index for seven consecutive years, but the alpine nation has been known as a leader in research and invention for far longer.

This company, located in the small town of Niederwangen, just outside of Bern, is a prime example of Swiss innovation.

The company was founded 100 years ago. The present company was born out of merz + benteli, a Swiss industrial manufacturing company which split in 1968. Soon after, Oskar Thüler, an innovative physicist and the company’s founder, disrupted the luminous component industry with the creation of GTLS, which helped mb-microtec to find its place in the business world.

The company described it as the “dawn of a new era”. This was the first time that a company had managed to mass produce light sources this small. Some 50 years on, competitors have sprung up, but none have managed to rival the size of mb-microtec GTLS.

mb-microtec’s tritium light sources have found use in a range of products, which the company sells through their trigalight®brand. Gun sight illumination is a big market for trigalight®, but it isn’t the only market that mb-microtec GTLS serve. They can be found in everything that requires use in the dark, from watch faces, to compasses, to knife handles, to arc of fire markers, to safety markers.

trigalight® light sources can be found in a number of famous watch brands including Ball, Luminox, traser and Isobrite to name just a few.

The company insists that “only the best is good enough for us and you!”, and the proof is in the product.