Software as a service (SaaS) platform solutions provider Valid Eval has secured a US Army Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase III contract through the General Services Agency (GSA).

Under the contract, Valid Eval assessment and feedback tool will the US Army’s Applied SBIR programme and the Army’s xTech prize competition programme.

The software will be deployed for evaluations, data analysis and evaluator feedback for the programmes.

The latest award supports the US Department of Defense (DoD) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology [ASA(ALT)], the US Army Futures Command (AFC), and the Army Research Laboratory (ARL).

Meanwhile, the Army’s flagship xTech prize competition, known as xTechSearch, enables eligible small businesses to directly pitch novel technology solutions to Army leadership.

HQDA ASA(ALT) Army Applied SBIR and Prize Competitions director Matt Willis said: “With the Applied SBIR programme and Army prize competitions, our goals are to dramatically accelerate the Army’s adoption of cutting-edge technologies and to build excellent relationships with non-traditional defence contractors.

“This tool allows us to take the proven workflows and capabilities from xTech and apply them more broadly.

“It unlocks the ability to seamlessly pull in experts from across the Army: warfighters, technologists and acquisition professionals. We’re building a template for more agile, nimble and better-informed acquisition for DoD and the rest of the US government.”

In 2019, the Valid Eval assessment and feedback tool was tested for xTechSearch.

Valid Eval also supports innovation pipelines for the US Space Force (USSF), Department of Transportation (DoT) and Department of Energy (DoE).