The US State Department has approved a potential foreign military sale, worth an estimated $440m, to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  

Saudi Arabia requested to purchase 507 tube-launched, optically-tracked, wireless-guided, radio frequency missiles (TOW) 2A, radio frequency (RF) missiles, and 507 TOW 2B, RF missiles.  

The TOW weapon system is a long-range, precision anti-armour, anti-fortification, and anti-amphibious landing system.  

Both the TOW 2A and TOW 2B can be launched from multiple platforms such as the ITAS launcher, Stryker anti-tank guided missile vehicle, and Bradley Fighting Vehicles. 

Included in the sale are non-major defence equipment (MDE) items such as support and test equipment, simulators, generators, and integration and test support, among others. 

Additionally, spare and repair parts, communications equipment, software delivery and support, and various other logistics and program support elements are part of the package.  

The proposed sale is expected to enhance the kingdom’s homeland defence as well as maintain the military balance in the region. 

The missiles are expected to improve the nation’s capability to counter current and future threats effectively. 

Saudi Arabia is expected to easily integrate these missiles and services into its armed forces without difficulty.  

The principal contractor for the TOW weapon system is RTX. Raytheon, the manufacturer and RTX company, has delivered more than 700,000 TOW systems to US and allied forces. 

This announcement follows closely on the heels of Raytheon securing two contracts worth a total of $676m for the continued production of the TOW weapon system for the US Army. 

This includes a $430m annual production agreement for fiscal year 2023 and an additional $246m award for 2024.