The US Department of Defense (DoD) has awarded a contract to TCOM to support the Persistent Surveillance Systems – Tethered (PSS-T) programme.

The hybrid contract is valued at around $978.94m and will run until 19 June 2024.

TCOM will provide engineering, logistics, operations and programme management services in support of the PSS-T programme.

The company expects to perform associated work at its facilities in Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Arizona.

TCOM Business Development vice-president Matthew McNiel said: “While TCOM has been a world leader in aerostat platforms for decades, we are very proud that the US Army has selected Team TCOM to provide operational support and sustaining engineering to these sophisticated surveillance systems.”

The contract will support Product Director (PD) Aerostats office’s requirements to support Combatant Commanders and joint agency requirements.

PSS-T delivers aerostats for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and force protection missions.

It is a low-altitude platform designed to enable multi-sensor information collection.

PSS-T consists of medium and large aerostat platforms to meet future expeditionary needs for persistent surveillance and force protection enhancement.

It can also provide a 360° detection, surveillance, monitoring and targeting capability to the forces.

TCOM noted that enhancements can be made to the aerostat systems to mitigate obsolescence and improve effectiveness.

TCOM said in a statement: “Common mooring platforms, improved tethers and varied envelope sizes, will decrease the logistical footprint and address obsolescence while creating an adaptive interchangeable platform to support both short and long-term missions.”

The US Army Contracting Command received three bids for the contract.

In June this year, the army issued a request for information (RFI) to supply modified PSS-T Large aerostats for Saudi Arabia.