Soldiers from the US Army have begun testing a new multi-functional video display (MVD) for the medium mine protected vehicle (MMPV) Type II at Fort Leonard Wood.
Personnel from the 509th Engineer Company are currently performing the trial in a realistic tactical scenario.
The new MVD monitors have been designed to provide vehicle commanders and crew members complete visibility around the vehicle, therefore affording them greater protection from potential explosives outside.
An array of on-board enablers will provide video input to the MVD, as well as information required by crew members to detect and defeat roadside explosives.
US Army Operational Test Command Maneuver Support Test Division chief Heidi Watts said: “We are also collecting data on the reliability, availability, and maintainability of the MVD so that we can identify any issues causing malfunctions or hardware failure now, rather than after fielding of the equipment.”
Data collected via the integration of the video displays with the MMPV Type II will be used to verify the usability of MVD by soldiers in an operational context.
Test Operational Research and Systems analyst and data project manager major Michael Fleischmann said: “The operationally realistic scenarios allow for the test unit soldiers to tell the army how well the system supports their mission execution.
“We want to ensure that any issues the soldiers have with the system are discovered now, rather than in the middle of combat.”
The MMPV Type II has been designed to support the army’s Engineer Units during route and area clearance operations.