The US Army has issued a draft request for proposal (RFP) for the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (OMFV) preliminary digital design phase.
The draft RFP will collect industry feedback for the design phase. It will be open for feedback for 40 days and help shape the final RFP of this phase.
US Army PEO Ground Combat Systems major general Brian Cummings said: “As we continue to progress through the first phase of our five-phased approach for the OMFV program, communication, inclusive feedback and innovative thinking from industry remains key.
“We are looking forward to receiving feedback and learning from industry what’s in the realm of the possible as we continue to develop this truly transformational vehicle for our soldiers.”
In February, the OMFV competition reopened with new programme guidance released in April.
The army currently plans for a five-phased approach to design, prototype, test and produce the OMFV.
It requested $327.732m in research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) funding for the OMFV programme in its FY2021 budget request.
The preliminary requirements for the OMFV are lethality, embedded platform training, optionally manned, dense urban terrain operations and mobility and more.
Next Generation Combat Vehicles Cross Functional Team director brigade general Ross Coffman said: “Accurately defining the desired set of capabilities without over-constraining the design is critically important.
“The army is committed to open communication with industry to ensure the characteristics and eventual requirements of the OMFV are informed by technological advances.”
Through an open competition, the final RFP for the preliminary digital design phase will see awarding of up to five contracts in June next year.
Once developed, the OMFV will replace the US Army’s Bradley Fighting Vehicles (BFV).