The US Army has released its Army Digital Transformation Strategy (ADTS) that outlines the plan to synchronise all modernisation initiatives in a bid to create a better equipped modern military force.

The strategy, established by the Office of the CIO, provides a framework to set the vision and lines of effort (LOE) and implement strategic digital transformation initiatives to create a more ready, lethal and modern force by 2028.

It will support the US Army to achieve Waypoint 2028, a construct for victory in multi-domain operations.

US Army chief information officer Dr Raj Iyer said: “Going digital is a mindset, it’s culture change.

“It’s about how we can fundamentally change how we operate as an army through transformative digital technologies, empowering our workforce, and re-engineering our rigid institutional processes to be more agile.”

The ADTS is organised under three specific objectives to indicate their alignment with the army’s strategic pillars.

They are modernisation and readiness, reform, and people and partnerships.

The first objective of modernisation and readiness seeks to create a digitally enabled, and data-driven army supported by digital transformation, while the reform objective involves optimising and mission-aligning digital investments to ensure greater value to the army.

People and partnerships involve creating an operationally effective digital workforce in collaboration with allies, industry and academia.

Commenting on the release, US Secretary of the Army Christine E Wormuth stated: “The army must be manned, trained, equipped and modernised to be ready to fight today, but also to meet the demands of an uncertain and unpredictable future.”