The US Army’s Airborne Calvary Scout Soldiers have conducted airdrop certification testing on the light armour vehicle (LAV-25A2).
The testing will allow the XVIII Airborne Corps’ Global Response Force to develop tactics, techniques and procedures for a light airdrop capable Mobile Protective Firepower platform.
During the test, soldiers of the 82nd’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 5th Squadron 73rd Cavalry Regiment rigged the LAV-25A2 for airdrop and recovery. Live-fire exercises were also carried out to ensure the vehicle was fully operational.
3rd Brigade Combat Team 5th Squadron 73rd Cavalry Regiment B Troop platoon leader 1st lieutenant William McCullum said: “Being part of a test on this scale is a real opportunity for a platoon leader.
“Witnessing the operation increased my depth of understanding of what it takes to get an armed or armoured vehicle safely to the drop zone.”
Three successful airdrops must be successfully carried out to attain final certification by the Natick Soldier Research and Engineering Command (NSRDEC) in Massachusetts, US.
US Army Operational Test Command (OTC) Airborne and Special Operations Test Directorate (ABNSOTD) operational test officer James Cochran said: “Every piece of equipment soldiers use has been independently tested and evaluated to meet current and future army needs and requirements.”
Operational testing provides an opportunity to demonstrate the training benefit to the tasked testing unit.
The ABNSOTD will also conduct airdrop certification of the air-droppable airfield damage repair kit and caster assisted A-series delivery system (CAADS) and the ground mobility vehicle (GMV 1.1).