Science Applications International Corp (SAIC) has received a $980m task order to provide software and integration work for the US Army warfighters in the field.
The Battlefield Systems task order was awarded under the General Services Administration (GSA) One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) contract vehicle.
GSA’s OASIS contracts are awarded for the delivery of programme management, management consulting, logistics, engineering, scientific, and financial services.
The latest contract requires SAIC to help field new technologies to warfighters in the field.
The task order also covers the delivery of systems engineering and computer resource engineering services to the US Army Software Engineering Directorate (SED), the Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (AMRDEC), and the Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (USA RDECOM).
AMRDEC is responsible for providing research, development, and engineering technology and services for aviation and missile platforms across the lifecycle.
SED customers include the US Department of Defense components and other federal government agencies.
SAIC Defense Systems Customer Group senior vice-president and general manager Jim Scanlon said: “For more than 20 years, SAIC has provided critical technologies to warfighters in the field. We are proud to continue our support to SED, ensuring our nation’s warfighters have the tools they need to successfully complete their missions.”
The task order has a one-year period of performance and two one-year options.
Work under the contract will be performed at the US Army’s SED in Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.
With more than 15,000 employees, SAIC provides full lifecycle services and solutions in the technical, engineering, intelligence, and enterprise information technology markets.