Science Applications International (SAIC) has received a $185m task order to support the US Army Space and Missile Defense Command’s (USASMDC) Decision Support Division.

Under the contract, SAIC will assist the USASMDC division with space control, high altitude, air and missile defence, as well as associated cyberspace operations.

Work will include system utility analysis and combat development in support of troops with analysis, execution experiments and support with exercises and war games.

The company will also provide modelling, simulation development and integration support to the Decision Support Division.

SAIC Defense Systems Group executive vice-president and general manager Jim Scanlon said: “SAIC looks forward to supporting the Decision Support Division of the US Army’s Space and Missile Defense Command in Huntsville, Alabama.

“We are proud of our work in Huntsville, and through investments like our new innovation factory hub, look forward to providing the very best technological solutions for our army customers.”

The USASMDC focuses on the development of space, missile defence and high altitude capabilities for the US Army and its allies.

The single-award, cost-plus fixed-fee task order awarded to SAIC carries a one-year base performance period and a one-year option.

Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, SAIC provides information technology support and services to defence, space, civilian, and intelligence markets.

The company has pro forma annual revenues of approximately $7.1bn.

In June, SAIC won a $2.9bn contract with the US Army for software development and maintenance services. This year, it has also announced plans to open a new innovation factory hub in Huntsville, Alabama.