US-based Persistent Systems has launched the new auto-tracking antenna system for the MPU5 smart radio to provide a truly networked battlefield environment for the soldiers.

The auto-tracking solution is a portable ground-to-air antenna that operates on the self-forming/self-healing Wave Relay mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) technology, which routes the data around obstacles, thereby optimising network performance and mobility.

The system can be easily assembled and deployed in less than 15 minutes and incorporates aircraft into the MANET.

The antenna’s portable and lightweight design is completely collapsible, with the main 5ft parabolic dish breaking down into eight individual petals.

Persistent Systems chief executive officer Herb Rubens said: “The auto-tracking antenna system represents a major step towards achieving the vision of a truly networked battlefield.

“The auto-tracking antenna system represents a major step towards achieving the vision of a truly networked battlefield.”

“The tracking antenna rotates to follow air assets, keeping them connected to the MANET. The air platforms orbit over our users on the ground, extending the MANET bubble and keeping soldiers connected to the enterprise.

“High-throughput, low-latency connectivity empowers the warfighter and decreases the dependence on SATCOM, which both reduces cost and increases network availability.”

Furthermore, the system features interchangeable S-Band, L-Band, and C-Band multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) feeds that enable it to cover all frequencies where the five radio modules of the company operate.

An automatic heading system also allows the tracking antenna to self-calibrate before carrying out operations for greater precision and less than one-degree pointing accuracy.

MPU5 is an advanced, scalable MANET radio that helps create powerful, secure networks anywhere, thereby allowing soldiers to stay connected and share critical information.