Patria and the US Army have agreed to conduct the feasibility study of Patria Nemo mortar system.

The 120mm Patria Nemo is a turreted, remote-controlled mortar system with direct and indirect fire capability. The light and compact system can be easily installed on wheeled armoured vehicles or navy vessels.

In addition, it can execute up to six grenade multiple rounds impact fire missions at the same time.

The company’s mortar system is an answer to a US Army survey, which was conducted in 2018 to identify capable sources to develop and produce the 120mm Mortar Future Indirect Fire Turret (FIFT).

The US Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Armaments Center and Patria have now signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA).

Under the agreement, the two parties will test the capabilities of Patria Nemo mortar system.

The tests will also check for the system’s compatibility with US mortar carrier weapon platforms and fire control systems.

Further, US mortar ammunition currently in-service will be evaluated for use in a mortar such as Patria Nemo.

This agreement is a continued effort by the US Army to provide Armored and Stryker Brigade Combat Teams with indirect and direct fire capability. It aims to protect the crew.

Patria Land Business Unit president Jussi Järvinen said: “The agreement between the US Army and Patria exemplifies the capability leap that modern turreted mortar systems can introduce to armed forces and illustrates Patria’s leading role in this technology area.

“It is also logical continuation to the cooperation between Patria and the US Government that began with Patria Nemo sales to a third country through a foreign military sales (FMS) programme.”