The demilitarisation, dismantling and disposal (D3) project has successfully concluded for 722 M-113 armoured personnel carriers (APCs).

The APCs were phased-out by the Italian Armed Forces and the project was executed by a professional team at the Nato Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA).

The M113 D3 project has resulted in saving 41,000 tonnes of CO₂. The sale of eight million kilograms of recovered scrap material on the global scrap metal market has produced more than €3m in net revenue for Italy.

In addition, the recycling of recovered ferrous and non-ferrous metals has contributed to the circular economy and environmental protection.

The demilitarisation process is in line with the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) treaty and involves the permanent deformation or cutting of critical components. This is to prevent reuse of the items.

In July 2020, Montalbetti was awarded a contract by the NSPA for the project. The company was required to perform D3 of 500 Italian APCs.

The D3 process also included identification, removal, and treatment of hazardous materials. The team conducted all activities in compliance with applicable rules and regulations related to environmental protection and health and safety standards.

NSPA uses the dedicated D3 Support Partnership to allow nations and partners to legally engage to avail such activities.

Through a global contractor framework, the agency helps nations to reduce their military carbon footprint.