The US Department of Defense (DoD) has revealed plans to support the International Peacekeeping and Security Center (IPSC) in western Ukraine until 2020.
The decision will see US Army soldiers from Joint Multinational Training Command-U (JMTC-U) provide training to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
The squadron comprises service personnel from 3rd Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, from Fort Stewart, Georgia. It will provide training to the Ukrainian forces for the next six months.
JMTC-U Deputy Adam Loveless said: "JMTC is going to continue a partnership with the Ukrainian Armed forces to further develop them to a level to become Nato interoperable by 2020. It gives them the opportunity to work with Ukraine and their armed forces and ensure that they receive what they need to become a more capable military.
"This is a partnership with the Ukrainian Army to build a capability here that enables them to train their formations to a better standard than what they do right now, utilising what we have learned to run combat training centres."
JMTC-U recently completed its first rotation of the Fearless Guardian II training programme.
The nine weeks of training involved 500 service personnel from the Ukrainian Land Forces and 24th Mechanized Brigade, as well as soldiers from the US Army’s 1st Battalion.
The event trained soldiers in first aid, counter-unmanned aerial vehicle tactics and dealing with counter-improvised explosive devices.
The US Army also plans to enhance the JMTC with improved infrastructure facilities, such as a range complex to support live fire ranges and manoeuvre training.
Image: The US Army providing training to the Ukrainian armed forces personnel. Photo: courtesy of Sgt. Alexander Skripnichuk / US Army.