The US Department of Defense (DoD) will deploy a specialised expeditionary targeting force to combat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
US Defense Secretary Ash Carter said: "On President [Barack] Obama’s orders and the chairman’s and my advice, we’re sending special operations forces personnel to Syria to support the fight against ISIL."
The expeditionary force will leverage the already established infrastructure in Afghanistan, the Levant, East Africa and Southern Europe into a unified capability to counter transnational and transregional threats.
This will enable the forces to target ISIL infrastructure and revenue sources, as well as improve ways to find and eliminate ISIL leadership.
"We’re sending special operations forces personnel to Syria to support the fight against ISIL."
The US DoD has deployed tens of thousands of personnel in the broader Middle East region.
As part of the counterterrorism strategy, US coalition forces have destroyed fixed facilities, including wells and processing facilities, and nearly 400 ISIL oil tanker trucks in terrorist group-dominated areas in Iraq and Syria.
Carter added: "Over the past several weeks, because of improved intelligence and understanding of ISIL’s operations, we’ve intensified the air campaign against ISIL’s war-sustaining oil enterprise, a critical pillar of ISIL’s financial infrastructure."
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has reportedly stated that the foreign troops cannot operate in the country without cooperation and permission from the Iraqi Government.
Abadi was quoted by Reuters as saying: "The Iraqi Government stresses that any military operation or the deployment of any foreign forces, special or not, in any place in Iraq cannot happen without its approval and coordination and full respect of Iraqi sovereignty."
Nations across the world have been extending support to combat ISIL after the recent terror attacks in Paris.
The German cabinet has reportedly approved plans to commit military support against the terrorist group.
If the plans are approved by parliament, the country will deploy a Tornado reconnaissance aircraft, a naval frigate, and 1,200 troops to the region.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has also agreed to send more military trainers to Iraq to support local troops against terrorism.