The US Department of Defense (DoD) sponsored open source framework for creation of collaborative virtual world training scenarios is set to be demonstrated as part of the Serious Play Conference at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

The virtual world framework (VWF) is available for use by various military groups to quickly create and deploy high-quality interactive three-dimensional (3D) environments using next-generation web technologies.

VWF is expected to enable content creators with limited technical skills to leverage modern browser capabilities, including web graphics library (WebGL), WebSockets, and WebRTC, for creation of real-time collaborative 3D environments for education or training.

"The VWF provides soldiers, sailors, and airmen the tools to capture these lessons for future generations to use."

Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Readiness) Force Readiness and training director Frank DiGiovanni said: "As major combat draws to a close, the Department of Defense needs a mechanism to memorialise lessons learned during our recent conflicts.

"The VWF provides soldiers, sailors, and airmen the tools to capture these lessons for future generations to use.

"Additionally, the skills required to create applications and training content can be leveraged by military members transitioning to the civilian workforce."

Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Training chief innovation officer and senior fellow David Smith is scheduled to present an overview of the VWF and also demonstrate examples of the broad applications of the free platform.

Some of the examples are the Martian Rover True Game, Cross Platform Collaboration application with live video and audio, and the Sandbox application.

Scheduled to be held from 22 to 24 July, the Serious Play Conference will feature a full schedule of sessions on the design and use of games for learning and training in education, corporations, as well as healthcare and military/government.

Defence Technology