The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has notified Congress of a potential foreign military sale of AN/AAR-57A(V)7 common missile warning systems (CMWS) and AGM-114R Hellfire missiles to the Netherlands.

Under the sale, the Netherlands seeks to receive 32 AN/AAR-57A(V)7 CMWS and 70 AGM-114R Hellfire II missiles for an estimated $58.2m and $34m, respectively.

The country has also requested hardware and services required to implement communication, navigation, ground support and test equipment.

In addition, the sale covers technical data, publications, maintenance work orders / engineering change proposals (MWO/ECP), training, and logistics and programme support.

The Netherlands previously requested 33 AN/AVR-2B laser detecting sets, 180 AGM-114R Hellfire II missiles, and 24 M36E8 captive air training missiles (CATM) with various support elements. 

"The country has also requested hardware and services required to implement communication, navigation, ground support and test equipment."

It also expects to receive a launcher test station (LTS), LTS spares, two maintenance support devices, integrated logistics support tools, and M299 launcher software upgrades.

The CMWS and Hellfire missiles will be installed on the Netherlands’ AH-64D Apache helicopters. 

The potential sale is expected to strengthen the country’s homeland defence, allowing it to deter regional threats and provide direct support to coalition operations. 

BAE Systems will be the principal contractor for the sale of CMWS and Lockheed Martin for Hellfire missiles.

Image: A Hellfire II missile. Photo: courtesy of Stahlkocher.