UK Prime Minister David Cameron has announced a new £2bn programme of investments to combat terrorist group ISIS.
The decision comes after the G20 summit, which mainly focused on the attacks in Paris, France, that killed more than 130 people.
Announced during his annual foreign policy speech at the Lord Mayor’s banquet in London, Cameron said that the country would use its economic strength to invest in ‘hard military power’.
Around 2% of the country’s GDP will be used to spend on defence every year for the rest of the decade.
The extra investment will be used to double the military’s existing drones fleet, purchase more fighter aircraft, and increase special forces’ capabilities.
The country will continue to maintain a nuclear deterrent at sea, and invest in new cyber defence systems to block attacks.
In the Strategic Defence and Security Review, a major investment will be made in the country’s intelligence agencies.
More than 1,900 additional security and intelligence staff will be employed, and the UK’s network of counter-terrorism experts will expand in the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
The UK will invest more than double its current investment on global aviation security.
Commenting on the long-term terrorist threat, Cameron said: "The root cause of this threat is the poisonous ideology of extremism itself.
"This ideology, this diseased view of the world, has become an epidemic, infecting minds from the mosques of Mogadishu to the bedrooms of Birmingham.
"We have to stop this seed of hatred even being planted in people’s minds."