The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has notified Congress of a potential foreign military sale (FMS) of AN/TPQ-53 (V) counterfire target acquisition radar systems and associated equipment to Singapore.
Under the estimated $179m sale, Singapore has requested supply of six AN/TPQ-53 (V) radars, along with with 120° sector scan capability, software support, support equipment, simulator, generators, power units, spare and repair parts, communication support equipment, personnel training and training equipment, as well as other related elements or programme and logistics support.
Proposed to be used for modernisation of Singapore armed forces, the target acquisition radars are expected to boost the national army’s foundational defence capability, simultaneously providing assets critical to protect and deter potential threats.
Specifically, the radars will reduce the Singapore armed forces’ vulnerability to indirect fire attacks and also provide them with the information necessary to respond to such attacks.
The potential sale contributes to the foreign policy and national security of the US by enhancing the security of Singapore, which continues to serve as an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Asia Pacific region.
Lockheed Martin will serve as prime contractor for the FMS programme.
The AN/TPQ-53 is a quick reaction capability (QRC) mobile radar system designed to detect, classify and track in-flight projectiles fired from mortar, artillery and rocket systems using a 90° or continuous 360° sector search.
With improved operational and physical functionality compared to existing AN/TPQ 36 radars systems, the radar provides target location of threat indirect fire systems with sufficient accuracy, enabling more effective detection and counter-battery actions in the battlefield.
Mounted on a 5t truck, the solid-state phased array radar can be rapidly deployed, automatically levelled and remotely controlled with a laptop computer or from a fully equipped climate-controlled command vehicle.
Image: the AN/TPQ-53 radar offers 360° protection from rocket, mortar and artillery fire. Photo: courtesy of Lockheed Martin.