Russia is continuing its efforts to supply T-90S main battle tanks (MBT) to the Peruvian Army, Rosoboronexport deputy general director Sergei Goreslavsky has revealed.

Speaking to RIA Novosti during the recent Africa Aerospace and Defence 2014 exhibition in South Africa, Goreslavsky said: "In collaboration with Uralvagonzavod, Rosoboronexport is working hard to promote the T-90S.

"This project continues to be the focus of Peruvian leaders, but has earned a medium-term due to a number of political circumstances such as the upcoming presidential elections."

"In collaboration with Uralvagonzavod, Rosoboronexport is working hard to promote the T-90S."

In May 2013, Uralvagonzavod supplied T-90S prototypes to the Peruvian Ministry of Defence (MoD) for trials in the Peruvian capital city of Lima.

Soon after, the Peruvian MoD announced the possibility of acquiring nearly 140 T-90S tanks in the future.

The T-90S prototypes have successfully proved their operational capabilities during the trials, but the parties are yet to sign a contract for the supply of the tanks.

The Peruvian Government is currently focused on the project, with aims of establishing production of the Russian Kamaz trucks, including military versions that can potentially be used for civilian purposes, according to Goreslavsky.

Manufactured by the Uralvagonzavod Plant, the T-90s MBT features a modernised 125mm gun, new fire control, navigation and communications systems, as well as a remotely controlled mounted 7.62mm machine gun.

The third-generation tank is powered by a multi-fuel 1,130hp diesel engine with gas turbine injection, which enables it to attain a top speed of more than 60kmph on the road and up to 45kmph on rough terrain.

The tanks initially entered service with the Russian Army in 1992 and are also used by the Indian Army.

The Peruvian Armed Forces currently operates 300 AMX-13 French light tanks and 300 obsolete Soviet-made T-55 tanks.

Defence Technology