The Raytheon-led warrior training alliance (WTA) team and the US Army are evaluating a new modular training instrumentation system that enables training at any geographic location.

The system combines live, virtual and constructive training domains, and brings together units, sites and trainers in real time to extend the training battlespace across physical boundaries.

Called the joint pacific multinational readiness capability instrumentation system (JPMRC-IS), it consists of deployable shelters, communications hardware and software that is used to train army units based on a high-fidelity exercise.

"We recently completed a rehearsal with the JPMRC-IS, involving more than 400 soldiers across several Hawaiian islands."

Raytheon Global Training Solutions vice-president Bob Williams said: "This new system gives us opportunities to maintain readiness in ways that provide great flexibility while maximising scarce training resources.

"We recently completed a rehearsal with the JPMRC-IS, involving more than 400 soldiers across several Hawaiian islands and it felt and worked exactly like a full rotation at one of our combat training centres."

The transportable system, which is capable of continuous, 24-hour operations, gathers specific, scenario-focused data on performance to assist exercise controllers in drill monitoring, performance data analysis and in the preparation and presentation of detailed performance feedback to exercise units.

Participants can then obtain direct feedback on the execution of their missions and ways to improve performance.

A two-battalion exercise on Oahu and the island of Hawaii, US, will demonstrate the system’s ability to perform distributed operations. It will also be tested during the multi-unit exercise Lightning Forge in Hawaii this month.

Comprising more than 150 partner companies, the WTA team and Raytheon claim to have helped the army save more than $300m in maintaining more than 240,000 training aids, devices and simulators through the warfighter field operations customer support contract.