Spike LR launcherRafael Advanced Defense Systems has launched its portable, multi-purpose mini-spike anti-personnel guided weapon (APGW) at the Eurosatory 2012 Land and Airland Defence and Security international exhibition, currently underway in Paris, France.

Designed to intercept targets up to a distance of 1,500m, the mini-spike is a short-range, electro-optical guided missile system, intended for deployment in either fire-and-forget or fire-and-observe mode against enemy forces in shelters or trenches at company and platoon level.

A company spokesman told Shephard News that the missile features a wireless radio frequency (RF) communication link, which enables the operator to update the aim point, if desired, during missile flight.

"The operator can choose to use the missile in fire-and-forget mode or through the RF datalink they can fire it and change the target point in-flight," they said. "They can also choose between a medium, low or high trajectory."

"The operator can choose to use the missile in fire-and-forget mode or through the RF datalink they can fire it and change the target point in-flight."

Weighing 4kg, the 30in long, portable missile system comprises of a command and launch unit facilitating target acquisition and wireless control; it uses a dedicated miniaturised control launch unit (MICLU) or current spike launchers for firing purposes.

Developed for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), the missile will help fill the current gap in organically engaging targets, located at a distance of 1,000m to 1,200m at the platoon level.

The spokesman refused to provide further information on the status of the missile development, but noted that the ‘full-scale development’ was now beyond the critical design phase.

Image: An Israeli soldier adjusts a Gil type launcher for spike LR anti-tank missile system. Photo: courtesy of Natan Flayer.