Carl Gustaf weapon

The Polish Ministry of Defence (MoD) has joined the European Defence Agency’s (EDA) effective procurement methods (EPM) initiative on the joint procurement of different kinds of ammunition for the Carl Gustav recoilless multi-purpose weapon system.

The move follows a comprehensive evaluation of the Polish national requirements, the benefits in pooling demand and the communalities of the ammunition acquired through this common initiative.

EDA deputy chief executive Rini Goos said: ”This common procurement initiative illustrates the success of our approach. It all started with three countries choosing EDA as their vehicle for cooperation, a couple of months later, we have two additional countries on board.”

The joint procurement of Carl-Gustav ammunition in the framework of EDA’s EPM initiative was initially launched by the three Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in March this year.

"EDA’s EPM initiative was initially launched by the three Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in March this year."

Serving as a central purchasing body, EDA is currently tendering a five year €50m framework agreement, with a possible renewal of additional two years, to help contributing members buy ammunition according to their national requirements.

The contract is expected to be awarded by the end of 2013.

Meanwhile, the Czech Republic has also revealed its intention to become a contributing member state to the project and join the common procurement initiative.

Manufactured by Saab Bofors Dynamics, Carl-Gustaf is an 84mm reusable, shoulder-fired, multi-role recoilless rifle, designed to help troops effectively engage with enemy rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and machine gun attacks from ranges of 900m and beyond.

Operated by a two-man crew, the weapon also supports the gunnery and combat training objectives by offering sub-calibre trainers, full-calibre practice rounds and simulators.

Carl-Gustaf is currently used by 40 countries worldwide, including the armed forces of the Australia, Belgium, Canada, India, Germany, Malaysia and Sweden, as well as the US and UK.

Image: US paratroopers being trained to use a Carl Gustav rifle at Fort Bragg, US. Photo: courtesy of Sgt. Michael J. MacLeod.

Defence Technology