
The Malaysian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has awarded a contract to MD Helicopters (MDHI) to supply MD 530G scout attack helicopters to the Malaysian Army Aviation, Pasukan Udara Tentera Darat (PUTD).

Under the terms of the agreement, the company will provide six next-generation armed scout attack helicopters and a custom weapons package to the Malaysian Government.

Designed to provide enhanced agility and firepower, the MD 530G helicopters will feature advanced communications capabilities, and EO / IR to detect, identify, and engage a wide range of threats.

Delivery of the helicopters will begin in late 2016 and continue until early 2017.

"Our legacy is firmly rooted in service of the warfighter; delivering fast, agile, highly-capable scout attack helicopters."

MD Helicopters CEO Lynn Tilton said: "Our legacy is firmly rooted in service of the warfighter; delivering fast, agile, highly-capable scout attack helicopters for the protection of the US and our partner nations.

"Perfectly suited for Malaysia’s operational environment, we are honoured that the MD 530G, our next generation light scout attack helicopter, was selected by the Malaysian prime minister, minister of defence and the chief of defence force (CDF) to be the newest addition to the Malaysian Armed Forces.

Powered by a Rolls-Royce 250-C30 engine, the MD 530G scout attack helicopter features enhanced landing gear to support the 3,750 max gross takeoff weight. The increased weight capacity provides additional range, endurance, and weapons.

The helicopters will be deployed to perform attack, International Security Register (ISR), and security missions for the army’s Eastern Sabah Security Command operations.

Image: The MD 530G scout attack helicopters are designed to provide enhanced agility and firepower for the armed forces. Photo: courtesy of MD Helicopters.