JetPack Aviation has agreed to partner with Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) to develop a soldier vertical mobility system (SVMS) for military applications.
Under the terms of the development agreement, JetPack's vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) technology will be combined with electronic subsystems, which will be built by Georgia Tech for the new SVMS.
Sponsored by a GTRI Internal Research and Development grant, the early development phase will focus on the development of an autonomous control system for an SVMS, a pilot exoskeleton, and a heads-up display (HUD) helmet for pilots.
The project will also witness participation from the Georgia Tech Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering schools, the ATAS and ELSYS labs of GTRI.
Both the partners will jointly request R&D funds from the US military.
Additional funding is said to allow Georgia Tech and JetPack Aviation to fully integrate the described subsystems into an SVMS and tackle issues such as survivability and reliability, electrical and mechanical infrastructure, and human factor disciplines.
JetPack Aviation is currently working with the US Navy, under a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA).
It is said to be the first company to design and manufacture a true jetpack for a personal flight.
The company is currently in the process of extending jetpack’s thrust and flight duration, as well as moving towards the development of an all-electric version.