Iraqi forces are devising plans to reclaim the city of Mosul from ISIS, according to Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman and colonel Christopher Garver.

Garver added that Iraqi forces will conduct the Mosul assault with coalition support in the coming months.

He said: "We’re supporting them throughout the operation, but we look for ways to accelerate the timeline.

"We have struck ISIL fighters, weapons, leaders, and financial assets with precision and lethality.

"We have struck ISIL fighters, weapons, leaders, and financial assets with precision and lethality."

"Along the way, we continue to explore options to accelerate the operation in order to meet the prime minister’s goal of seizing Mosul and defeating ISIL in Iraq in 2016."

In a separate development, Iraqi security forces have encircled the town of Fallujah.

The US-led coalition has conducted 13 strikes against ISIS tactical units, as well as rocket, mortar, sniper and fighting positions near the city of Sinjar and along the east-west Highway 47.

Earlier this year, the Iraqi Army and coalition forces reclaimed control of western city of Ramadi, which was captured by ISIS in May 2015.

Monitoring group Airwars reported that the airstrikes by the US-led coalition as part of Operation Inherent Resolve have killed more than 23,000 ISIS fighters in the past 530 days of the campaign.