Cummins has teamed up with Achates Power to develop an advanced engine that will power combat vehicles operated by the US Army.

The development is being carried out as part of a $47.4m contract awarded by the National Advanced Mobility Consortium.

Cummins Corporate Research and Technology-led Advanced Combat Engine (ACE) project is in line with the US Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC).

The multi-cylinder ACE technology demonstrator programme contributes to the army’s 30-year strategy to modernise its fleet of tactical and combat vehicles.

“Our technical teams are looking forward to leading a project that can make a difference in the lives of men and women who serve our country.”

The new engine would also be used in the Bradley Family of Vehicles and the Next Generation Combat Vehicle in future.

Cummins Corporate Research and Technology vice-president Wayne Eckerle said:  “Cummins is pleased to partner with Achates Power to employ our technological expertise to create the most advanced combat vehicle powertrains for our Armed Forces.

“We are confident we can achieve significant improvements in mobility, power, range and fuel economy, creating combat vehicles that are safer, faster and have clear advantages in the field.

“Our technical teams are looking forward to leading a project that can make a difference in the lives of men and women who serve our country.”

Work under the project involves improving performance, survivability, and range of ground combat vehicles while reducing fleet fuel use.

Both companies plan to reduce heat rejection by 21%, improve power density by more than 50%, and reduce fuel use by 13%.

A project to integrate and validate ACE as part of a system of other key powertrain technologies will be conducted by TARDEC’s Ground Vehicle Power and Mobility technology focus group in 2019.

Along with ACE, the system will incorporate an integrated starter / generator, advanced combat transmission, thermal management system, and other key components of the powertrain demonstrator.