Harris has received a contract to supply Falcon III tactical radios systems to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

Under the terms of the C$180m ($159.4m) agreement, the company will deliver secure tactical radio systems, including the AN / PRC-152A wideband handheld radio and the AN / PRC-117G wideband manpack radio.

The national individual standing offer (NISO) also covers the delivery of the RF-7800H high-frequency manpack radio to the Canadian Department of National Defence, in support of modernisation programmes.

"The radio systems will provide Canadian forces with greater situational awareness and enable end-to-end solutions."

Harris RF Communications international business unit president Brendan O’Connell said: "Harris Falcon III products and systems are meeting the growing demands for wideband data and tactical networking in countries around the world with a broad portfolio of proven, mission-critical solutions.

"The radio systems will provide Canadian forces with greater situational awareness and enable end-to-end solutions that address requirements for real-time, mission-critical information on the battlefield."

The NISO will be available to various organisations within the CAF.

The Falcon III AN / PRC-117G radio is a software-defined, upgradeable voice and data platform designed to support network-enabled operations, including convoy tracking, intelligence reporting and analysis, collaborative chat, route planning and medical evacuation missions.

Designed to provide simultaneous voice and high-speed data services on the move in the 225MHz to 450MHz range, the Falcon III AN / PRC-152A incorporates interoperability with legacy narrowband LOS and SATCOM waveforms, including the single channel ground and airborne radio system (SINCGARS), Havequick II, and VHF / UHF AM and FM in the 30MHz to 512MHz range.

Weighing less than 4kg, the RF-7800H is a wideband HF tactical radio designed to help soldiers transmit video clips, images, maps and other large data files at ten times the data rates compared with existing HF radios, in obstructed line-of-sight mission environments, including mountains and urban terrain.

Deliveries under the single-award, indefinite delivery / indefinite quantity contract are scheduled to take place over the next four years.

Defence Technology