Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has revealed plans to send more military trainers to Iraq to support local troops against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Trudeau was quoted by The Guardian as saying: "We will continue to do more than our share, including a military engagement, but especially in training rather than airstrikes.
"I’ve committed repeatedly to my allies that we were going to do more on the training front and that means obviously more than just 69 trainers currently on the ground in northern Iraq."
The Canadian Government is yet to decide upon the number of trainers to be sent to Iraq. This will likely be disclosed during a meeting with US President Barrack Obama at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Manila next month.
Trudeau added: "How many that will be, what form that will take, what kind of engagement we’re going to have, those are things that we’re going to work out but I have reassured my allies and Canadians that, yes, we will be doing more."
In October, Canada announced its decision to withdraw fighter jets from the US-led mission against ISIS, but did not disclose a timeline for the withdrawal.
Canada currently has six CF-18 fighter jets supporting the US-led bombing campaign. Under the initial arrangements, they are to continue operations until March 2016.
Canada has also deployed around 70 Special Forces troops to train Kurds in northern Iraq.