The British Army's Vanguard Armoured Infantry Brigade (VAIB) has taken part in a readiness verification exercise, Bright Gauntlet, in Germany.

The VAIB, along with Vanguard Support Brigade (VSB), has been deployed to the Sennelager Training Area after receiving a short notice deployment order last week.

Exercise Bright Gauntlet was conducted to test and demonstrate the deployability of the units.

Carried out by the 3rd Division Headquarters, the exercise is aimed to assure the General Officer Commanding (GOC) that those held at high-readiness were ready and able to deploy if required, the British Army stated.

20th Armoured Infantry Brigade Commander brigadier Mike Elviss said: "Preparing for war is our core business and this exercise is all about assuring the GOC that we are indeed ready and we are prepared for war should the call to action come.”

As part of 20 Armoured Infantry Brigade, The 1st Battalion The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment (1 PWRR), who provide the Armoured Infantry component of the VAIB, participated in the exercise with 1 Armoured Medical Regiment (1AMR), who are part of the Vanguard Support Brigade (VSB).

"Preparing for war is our core business and this exercise is all about assuring the GOC that we are indeed ready and we are prepared for war should the call to action come."

The support brigade was responsible for providing logistic, equipment and medical support to the VAIB.

1PWRR Corporal James Boyce said: "As a Battalion we are all prepared, ready to move and react to any task played upon on us. I’m very proud of my Battalion and of my Regiment, it’s a great honour to have this title bestowed upon us.”

1AMR Lance Corporal Paul Flynn said: “As a regiment we train constantly to maintain our readiness; everyone within the medical capability is confident we can do our jobs and deliver our role if called upon to do so.”

The exercise culminated with a tactical demonstration by 1PWRR, while 1AMR handled simulated casualties to demonstrate its ability to deploy a medical station in support of operations.

Image: Exercise Bright Gauntlet was conducted to test and demonstrate the deployability of the units. Photo: courtesy of UK Government.