Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) has secured a $5bn contract to provide cybersecurity and information systems support services for the US Department of Defence (DoD).
The company will partner with the DoD Information Analysis Centers (IAC) programme management office (PMO) and its clients to provide cyber security advice to academic, government and industry entities for a five-year period.
The contract will enhance BAH’s support services for data management, modelling and simulation, security and software-related work carried out by the US DoD and other intelligence organisations.
Booz Allen Hamilton executive vice-president Robin Portman said: "We are honoured to be a central component of this programme, which will serve as an invaluable boost to the federal government’s cyber security research and development efforts.
"Our team encompasses truly world-class cyber security analysis and management capabilities and looks forward to serving a lead role in improving the nation’s cyber defences."
The contract is expected to address emerging requirements for countermeasures against cyber security threats in the nation.
In a separate development, BAH has secured a contract to provide support services to Nato Communications and Information Agency (NCIA).
Under this contract, the company will support NCIA’s service line managers and customers in areas including military functional expertise, analysis of exercise support and operations research, individual and collective training, and military programme management.