Binary Group has been awarded a contract to provide a range of support services to the US Army Program Executive Office Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS), Product Manager, Power Projection Enablers (PdM P2E).
Under the terms of $17.4m contract, the Binary Team will provide systems engineering, integrated logistics support (ILS), information assurance (IA), operations support and programme support services, among others.
Specifically, the team will provide engineering expertise for analysis of system concepts, system design, and interoperability, with recommendations for improved performance; prepare and update engineering and technical documentation; and conduct independent evaluation and assessments of systems and technologies and proposed changes.
Additional responsibilities include identification of requirements, development, and execution of the lifecycle logistics processes; provision of information assurance support for accreditation of existing systems or initial design of new systems; operations support; and programme management support and control.
Binary president and COO David Stephens said the company applies its Outcome Driven Enterprise Approach, an agile and accelerated planning methodology to every programme that defines what matters most across the enterprise with an executable and consistent model to generate results quickly and cost-effectively.
"Our team will optimise efficiencies throughout the IT life cycle and accelerate time to value for the PdM P2E," Stephens said.
Binary P2E programme manager John Kilgallon said: "Binary has a highly experienced team and a deep understanding of the army’s requirements, having provided acquisition program management, systems engineering and technical assistance (SETA), information assurance/security, enterprise architecture, and other enterprise IT services for the army and DoD for the past 12 years."
The team will primarily enable the army to acquire and implement enterprise-wide IT capabilities and services supporting deployed forces in forward support areas worldwide including Pacific, Middle East, Europe, and Africa regions, with team members strategically located in South Korea, Germany, Kuwait, as well as Hawaii and Virginia, US.